Thursday, March 24, 2011

Global Agenda

Greetings gamers, one and all. Time for another review from The Game Cave. Today, we're taking a look at Global Agenda, a sci-fi MMORPG powered by Steam. If you haven't heard of Steam yet, there are two possibilities: Either A) You're not a PC gamer, or B) You live under a friggin' rock. Either way, this review isn't about Steam, and I've digressed enough.

So, Global Agenda. The setting is in a desolate futuristic wasteland in which the only remaining bastions of humanity are what are called Dome Cities. The world outside these cities is a vast desert of little vegetation and no wildlife. The only other sentient beings you will encounter in this wasteland (other than other players) are raiders and rogue robots. Starting to sound a little like Fallout, isn't it? Your character becomes a mercenary/soldier for the Dome Cities to help combat a growing threat: a group of raiders led by a warboss, who's only mission is to destroy the Dome Cities. The PvE play (which is the desert) consists generally of fetch quests in which you must kill a certain number of a certain type of enemy or kill a certain type of enemy until you've obtained a certain amount of a certain type of item, leading up to (you guessed it) a final confrontation with the warboss. Tedious, no? Well, good thing that's not all this game has to offer.

Global Agenda actually began as a solely PvP game, as well as missions that teams of four could participate in. However, there was no open-world play. Back in 2010, the devs over at High Rez Studios pumped out a massive overhaul called Sandstorm, which was covered in the prior paragraph. The PvP is incredible. There's a myriad of game types to choose from including Mercenary, Payload, CTF, and many others. Teams consist usually of 8 players, so the game size is 16 people total. The PvP is a lot of fun, and a great way to earn EXP and cash. Which is great because you need a S**T TON for all the high-level equipment. I'm not even joking, you need some SERIOUS moolah. The level cap is 50, and level 50 equipment can be anywhere from 75,000 to 150,000 or more. So crack your knuckles, bunker down for an all-nighter, and play some PvP.

All-in-all, Global Agenda is a well-rounded sci-fi MMO. It's fairly cheap, it's F2P, and there are thousands of players. The Sandstorm expansion added a ton of new stuff to do, and the classic PvP never fails to entertain. So grab a computer, doll out a few bucks, and pick up a copy of Global Agenda. I highly recommend this game.